Philippine Blog Awards
This isn’t connected to writing, so I apologize in advance, but I felt quite confused when I saw that Seasonal Plume had been nominated at the Philippine Blog Awards for Best Blog Design. I was confused because I hardly ever blog here ;) But thank you to whoever nominated my blog! I feel honored enough already. :) Good luck to the other nominees — check them out, they’re all fabulous.
With regards to writing — I’m afraid even journal writing has been sparse these days. This whole month, to be exact. I don’t know why, I guess I just feel somewhat out of it. However, just today while I was perusing Digg, I saw this article on Centralia, Pennsylvania and sort of went to a small OMG how romantic flight. I know Silent Hill was based on the doomed town, and I’ve never played that since I scare frightfully pathetically easily, but it still makes the story wheels in my head turn.