Whimsical.Nu archives
- A (determined plan to) return to making notebooks
- A Batanes retrospective
- A brief respite
- A camera bag in disguise
- A daily dose of books (DailyLit)
- A few days away!
- A few days in low-key Patan, Nepal
- A geek’s realization
- A happy webmistress is a…happy webmistress
- A jaunt into Orgrimmar – goodbye, Garrosh
- A Kowa Prominar 8.5mm f2.8 micro four thirds lens review
- A long arduous journey through the postal service’s underbelly
- A month with the editorial calendar
- A perfume creation and discovery workshop, or, indulging my nose
- A quick Eyefi Pro X2 review
- A quick peek into Diablo III
- A Razer Naga setup
- A slice of Kathmandu, Nepal
- A Tokyo un-story
- A view of Everest
- A visit to Australia Zoo in Queensland, Australia
- Ah, glorious weekend!
- Alive, but er…
- Alive, but WordPress ate my words
- An excerpt from White Oleander, Janet Fitch
- Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia
- Another new MacBook post
- Apache, PHP, and MySQL in Leopard
- Aptana, the Web IDE
- Arcane mage love
- Authorverse and hemming and hawing
- Baby disc heals
- Badass JavaScript
- Beng Mealea, Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Better late than never
- BgPatterns: Tiled backgrounds designer
- Blockquotes, pull quotes, and quotes
- Blogging
- Blogging and Creative Writing
- Blogs vs brochure websites
- Book Crossing in Singapore
- Book love
- Book sale at Carrefour Suntec
- Book whoring?
- Booking Through Thursday: Other Worlds
- Bookmarks
- BookMooch trial run
- Books and reading meme
- Books as gifts
- Books vs Movies
- Bowling (right into the gutter)!
- Bridge to Terabithia
- Brisbane, Queensland
- BTT: Libraries
- BTT: Manual Labor
- Building the habit: writing on demand
- Day 2: Changing POVs
- Definition of a table-less layout
- Delicious friends and exhaustion
- Delicious friends forever
- Development musings
- Diane Setterfield’s The Thirteenth Tale
- Digital spring cleaning
- Disc priest all grown up
- Discount Armageddon, by Seanan McGuire
- Discovering audiobooks
- Diving into AJAX and toolkits
- DM of the Rings
- Do you think I am a machine? A Jane Eyre (2006) review
- Domain problems
- Don’t let go
- Downtime in Siem Reap
- Dropbox love
- FF: Another look at skinning websites
- FF: CSS Optimization Tips
- FF: Hidden data in Jpegs
- FF: Minimizing HTTP Requests
- FF: Website optimization
- Fifth sentence of page 123 (tagged by Tina)
- First (audio)books in a series
- Five for firsts: a first-timer’s solo trip to Taiwan
- Foursquare is not an option
- From writing to editing
- Frontend Friday: Got questions?
- Frontend Friday: Implementation focus on Indiscript’s lettered menu
- Frontend Friday: Too much AJAX
- Frontend Friday: Tools of the trade
- Frontend Friday: Watch out for Divitis
- Frontend Friday: What do you do?
- MacUpdate Parallels bundle
- Madeleine L’Engle (1918-2007)
- Maya Slater’s Mr. Darcy’s Diary
- Midnight Blue-Light Special, by Seanan McGuire
- Morning writing
- Move forward, say yes, choose happiness.
- Moving hosts and htaccess rewrite rules
- Musings of a new Mac user
- My hundred days of happiness
- My workstation
- Nancy Drew revisited
- Nano update
- NaNoWriMo …again
- NaNoWriMo 2007
- NaNoWriMo Day 8: Trudging along
- NaNoWriMo Day One, and Wallpapers
- NaNoWriMo Twenty Ten
- NaNoWriMo week 1 recap
- NaNoWriMo week 2 recap
- NaNoWriMo week 3 recap
- NaNoWriMo week 4 recap and roundup
- NaNoWriMo: a retrospective
- Network names FTW
- New beginnings
- New Books
- New layout, and tinkering with WordPress categories
- Nine ways to not write a novel in November
- Now Reading
- Obligatory bookshelves post
- Oh my pretteh (Panasonic Lumix GF2)
- On books and reading
- On giving up half a dream
- On Opening The Thirteenth Tale
- On putting down a book
- On Reading Challenges
- On the new LFG and Icecrown Citadel raid
- On the Nine Bright Shiners
- On websites and one sentences
- On writing
- One girl’s bucket list
- One girl’s first solo travel
- One year free website uptime monitoring at Pingdom
- Paris, France: Day One – Left bank and the Trocadéro
- Paris, France: Day Three – Museums and Rue Cler
- Paris, France: Day Two – Giverny and Champ de Mars
- Patch 3.2.2 on live servers this week!
- Philippine Blog Awards
- Philippine Blog Awards Results
- Playing with rotation animation in YUI3
- Power Auras Classic: a discipline priest setup
- Power Auras Classic: an arcane mage setup
- Power Auras Classic: an introduction
- Pre-NaNo post, plus a calendar!
- Prince Caspian
- Progress, or lack thereof: list o’ links instead
- Raiding as frost in WotLK 3.3.3
- Re-kindling the flames
- Reading-related memberships
- Ready, set, pull!
- Real life happened
- Reaper of Souls, a half-asleep ramble
- Recap finale: my life in 2010
- Recap week: games in 2010
- Recap week: geeky things in 2010
- Recap week: reading in 2010
- Recap week: writing in 2010
- Rediscovering PHP
- Renewed
- Resolution finale: life in 2011
- Resolution week: a geeky thing for 2011
- Resolution week: a writing project in 2011
- Resolution week: books in 2011
- Review: Deadline, by Mira Grant
- Review: Feed by Mira Grant
- Review: Half-Off Ragnarok, by Seanan McGuire
- Reviewing in Haiku
- ReviewMe
- Saving the world …of Warcraft
- Saying hello from Pandaria
- Sea Monsters and Austen
- Sea Monsters and Austen, revisited
- See Angela write.
- SEO = black magic?
- Shake it, baby
- Shelfari (et al) Gripes
- Skin Game, by Jim Butcher (Dresden Files #15)
- Slowly but surely
- Starting The Wheel of Time, and a giveaway
- Suosday, Cambodia! A quick weekend in Siem Reap
- Survey Says
- Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar
- Tales of a gearing healing priest
- The 2010 NaNoWriMo Novel plans
- The Art of Undressing
- The Bartimaeus Trilogy
- The beginning of the end: also known as WoW patch 4.0
- The blank page
- The day the sky fell
- The deadly thing about gaming breaks
- The domain hath returned, plus blog musings
- The Girl on Fire going through fire: a Mockingjay review
- The Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio (Lloyd Alexander)
- The Impossible Dream
- The move to GitHub
- The mundane things
- The pretty smellies (a BPAL newbie post)
- The state of hobby-coding
- The Survey for People Who Make Websites
- The table is for you, too
- The True World
- The wait that is Enthusiast 3.1
- The WETA chat on The Hobbit
- This week’s stash
- Thoughts on the Memoir (Day 4)
- Three days in beautiful Batanes
- Three for Thursday: books I should have read earlier
- Throne of Jade, by Naomi Novik
- Trudge trudge trudge
- Trusting the Giants
- Trying out HTML5 local storage
- Trying out the Panasonic Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm f/1.2 MFT lens
- Trying to choose between GPL and BSD licensing
- Tutorial: Uneven header and background
- Two months of myself
- Two weeks of love
- Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana)
- Typinator Review
- Watch the Skies, and free ebooks from Tor
- Web 2.0 Awareness
- Web 2.0 Layer Styles
- Web accessibility
- Websites and PHP frameworks
- Websites and PHP frameworks, part II
- What type of programmer are you?
- What’s in a Name Reading Challenge
- What’s in my bag
- Whimsical.Nu redux
- WordPress page keywords and descriptions
- World of Warcraft on a resume
- WoW UI Screenshot
- WP’s plugin directory
- Writer’s Block? What’s that? (A link roundup)
- Writing centers
- Writing Exercises
- Writing with Scrivener 2