On Reading Challenges

I’m moving along well with the challenges I’ve taken on. As it stands, I’m right on target with 50 Books for 2008, ahead of myself with New Reads for 2008, and on time with What’s in a Name. I have to thank Carrefour for the book sale they had a week or two back… I ended up picking up a few titles (at just S$5!) which fit the latter’s requirements.

I have to admit, being on challenges adds a bit of motivation for me personally, mostly because I love seeing that progress bar fill up slowly. It tells me where I am, and how I’m doing… not to mention it’s forcing me to keep reading a book even if before I’d have decided to leave it “for a while”… and then I invariably end up not reading for a while, because I keep thinking, “but I’m reading something else right now!”

I have this… compulsion to finish books.

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