
Eventually I will find the time to revamp and blog here again! But whenever I log into WP, I look at my blogging calendar and I am crazy behind and I get discouraged. Eeep!


  • Oho, I see a subtle font change on W.nu. Looks good! :D

    • Oooh a ninja visitor! XD Thank you! I am still a bit on the fence about it, but I should just quit being an old fogey and get on with the times!

  • Delete your backlog and postpone everything a couple of weeks so it looks like you’re really, really ahead instead? :D

  • Don’t worry about how behind you are–any time you post is a happy blog day, and any time you don’t post is a day you’re too busy living life to write about it yet. ^_^

    (Also, if you get anxious about not updating in a while, it makes procrastinating that much easier… *quietly nudges away the 8 months I didn’t update squat* ) XD
