Closet clean out

One thing that I finally got around to doing during the Chinese New Year holidays is to do a bit of closet organization. I tend to “live” in my Threadless t-shirts and jeans, and I’ve always had that itch to have the best organization possible. That doesn’t mean to say I’m never a slob, because sometimes…uh, yeah. BUT! The long break made me bored, and that meant I finally went to tackle my closet.

Before anything else, though, can I say that I am extremely jealous of people who have walk-in closets? That is one of my house goals someday–to have a walk-in closet of my own. To have so much space to organize things in! Shelves! Racks! Drawers! Hooks! Oh my. Can you not see the possibilities?!


As it is, I have two full-length wardrobes, and a chest–specifically this Ikea Engan wardrobe and the accompanying chest of drawers. I love them too, the full-length wardrobe has a mirrored door and I’ve angled it just right so that I can use them in tandem to see a bit of what I look like from behind.

So I dumped out my clothes (well, not all at the same time, but almost) and started sorting them out. A good number of them are going away (recycle, or possibly send back home in case my sisters want them), a number is in storage (i.e., “I love these too much to part with them so I will wear them again when I can fit in them”), and two items need to get mended first. The whole ordeal (yes, it is an ordeal) took most of the day, but I’m really glad I went through all my clothes, because I discovered:

  1. I have a lot of relatively casual dresses I really love, which I should really start wearing. Most of them were bought last year but never worn!
  2. I have a good number of tops (although half or more than half are t-shirts), but bottoms should get expanded in variety; and sorting through my clothes, I know just what I should be getting, instead of just haphazardly buying things.

I’ve never really had the chance to organize the closet since the move, as one really needs a bit of thinking to organize one’s closet, i.e., which side to put the pants on, and the coats? Top drawer for the intimates, or bottom? Where do the socks go? And all those life-and-death questions.

My closet

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