30 before 30: video blogging
I’d always been interested in video blogging. Some years ago, a number of friends did some video posts and ever since then I set it as a goal that I would do one myself. It was an interesting way to talk to readers, it felt a lot more personal, and I was always curious at how my online friends actually sounded like.
My first attempt was very shortly after that. I took my trusty Canon Powershot A80 and shot myself talking. And again. And again. And again.
And then I trashed it.
(Uh, the video! Not the camera.)
I looked weird (the face I see in the mirror is the face I know of myself, not the non-flipped-over-face which everyone else sees apparently), I rambled and had lots of long pauses, and I sounded funny. I always sound funny on record, or on mic. I suppose that is my real voice, the voice most everyone hear me as, but I was facepalming all throughout listening to my videos with my high-pitched, little-girl voice.
So yes, being a radio DJ was out of the question.
But I still wanted to do it one of these days. Two years ago I actually tried with my notebook craft, but could not make it work with either my laptop camera or my real point-and-shoot camera. But last year while procrastinating on the NaNoWriMo forums, I came across some people who planned to vlog about NaNo.
So I did it, I did a weekly video post of my NaNoWriMo progress. I used my machine’s iSight, and iMovie to record and piece it together, and then uploaded it off to Youtube.
A couple of thoughts on the whole practice:
- Video editing is a pain. I had a number of effect ideas in my head for specific parts of the posts, but I had no knowledge or ability to make it happen. At one point I was so frustrated I wished it was a Powerpoint presentation instead so I could animate objects across the screen!
- Repeat a line enough times, and it becomes unbelievably boring.
- I need more facial expressions or variety.
- …and in that light, video posting about an activity while I’m doing said activity is more interesting than me talking about doing an activity. (Of course, video blogging what I look like while I’m writing is…quite boring.)
I didn’t hit any records with the video posts; it was probably more interesting to friends (“oh, so that’s how Angela sounds like!” and “aha, blackmail material!”). But I enjoyed the experience and I wouldn’t shy away from the medium if there is an appropriate subject or event for another video post.
As they say, the journey was more enjoyable and important than the destination.
This post is also part of the 30 before 30 challenge: a list of things that I want to do and accomplish before I turn 30 years old.