Recap week: writing in 2010

LOTR book page2010 has been a good year for writing–one of the best years I’ve had since high school, for sure. I don’t think I achieved a lot this year writing-wise, nor is it the best year hands down–but it is certainly a pivotal year.

In 2010, I started blogging regularly. I’m not a perfect blogger–I can miss days, lose my voice, go through weeks of absolute blogging hell–but I’ve been able to give myself a schedule and stick to that schedule for most of the time. I still struggle a lot of times, but there are just as many–more!–times where it’s been a joy to blog as I have been blogging in the last portion of the year.

In 2010, I went for NaNoWriMo. Now, I’ve done NaNoWriMo multiple times. I’ve won once, a token win, a win where I didn’t go back to the story, nor do I plan to go back to the story. This year, I decided I would write what I had always planned on writing: an alternate history, a retelling of historical legend. Did I succeed? I won, but I don’t think I succeeded, exactly. I think it has potential, but it needs to go through fire first. I finished, and did not finish; but the biggest takeaway from NaNoWriMo 2010 was the habit and the experience of trudging along to the end, my realization on how I write and what I would like to write about.

2010 was certainly a pivotal year for writing. I have always written, but I’ve never blogged seriously, nor have I been serious with my creative writing for many years past.

But I’ve come back. And I’m going to go through with it.

This week is recap week! Stay tuned for piecemeal recaps of how 2010 went for me.

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