The mundane things

I’d been feeling rather “off” recently–feverish and generally achy all over. Not a very swell thing to be. But, my sisters did come two weeks ago for a weekend’s visit, which was fabulous. We had a rainy Sunday, but we still had a great time. Since they’d been here before, this weekend was really just more of a going-around-and-bonding type thing than a tourist-y thing (same with my parents’ coming over earlier this month).

Biel and the scientist

Biel and the scientist

I’d never been to the Science Centre before, and this seemed like a good time as any to go. We had brunch, then went on it and took two IMAX tickets, for Sea Monsters and Van Gogh. Just our luck — we ended up picking show times at just the times when they’d power up the huge Tesla coil for viewers. When we arrived at the Tesla coil room, Ate commented that she felt like she was playing Red Alert 2 again. Hee hee. I miss that game.

The exhibits were pretty good, though — the most enjoyable ones for me were the optical illusions, and the human body/virus/etc exhibits. We spent a good couple of minutes on the projected game were you use your shadow to direct cells (like macrophages) around and help make this little boy well. That was fun! The IMAX shows were good as well, although I found the Sea Monsters show more enjoyable than Van Gogh; I ended up yawning every two minutes with the latter. Ate got dizzy with Sea Monsters, however.

After that, we went on to Settlers’ Cafe, which I had initially planned for them when the whole family visited Singapore for the first time. I think, at the start, they felt a little shell-shocked with how noisy the gamers were (haha) but we had a good time; I especially loved the last game we played, a strategy card game called Dominion. Makes me want to buy it :D I almost did, but got over since there’s really no one to play with, anyway.

Up Poster

Up Poster

The next day was spent mostly in malls, and commuting in between. We watched the 3D version of Up in Iluma at Bugis; damn animated movies, making me cry. (Ahem.) It was really good though–Dug is my favorite. I wish translating collars are real XD

We had a nice lunch at Empire State (reminds me of NYNY), then went around a couple malls in Orchard Road. Biel found My Girl (the Korean drama) at one of the video shops; Ate was content with just eating and sampling all the food (though we ended up not getting anything remotely asian… go figure). I’ve never watched My Girl, so after a bratwurst dinner, we went home and watched it while Ate packed up some. They ended up asleep all over my bed, which left me no space <_<.

My Girl was quite enjoyable, though, I’m glad they got me to watch. I don’t usually go for asian TV dramas, although I have a soft spot for the Matsumoto/Mao Hana Yori Dango (yes, I am biased, because I love my Hanadan). Gongchan/Yoorin reminded me of Tsukasa/Tsukushi, although they’re quite different. It must be the comedy moments! I don’t know exactly if I find Lee Dong Wook cute or not; he definitely has his angles and his moments but a big chunk of that is probably the role.

All too fleeting, though :( I accompanied them back to the airport on Monday morning. I’ve had the whole family come visit one after another the whole of August XD which has prompted my officemates to ask why not just come all together. Yeah, why not? Tee hee.

It was certainly nice to spend a rather “ordinary” weekend with my sisters, and doing random, non-tourist-y things. I don’t suppose tourists would actually sit and play board games if they go to Singapore? And watch movies. But the mundane things are often the dearest things, the ones that I miss the most.

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