Fifth sentence of page 123 (tagged by Tina)

Finally getting around to that book meme Tina tagged me with a good couple of days ago. I kept putting it off because I have five, read it, five draft posts still waiting to get posted.

The rules:

  1. Pick up the nearest book.
  2. Open to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the next three sentences.
  5. Tag five people and post a comment on Tina’s blog (she’s the one who tagged me) once you’ve posted your three sentences.

I started reading Eldest by Christopher Paolini just yesterday, as I wanted something not very intellectually or emotionally taxing, and I had previously picked it up at the last MPH warehouse sale (book haul coming soon).

They soon left the buildings and found themselves crossing the barren fields at Tarnag’s base. Beyond those, they reached the stone quay that edged the still, gray water.

Waiting for them were two wide rafts tied alongside a pier.

I am now tagging:

  1. Angela
  2. Caroline
  3. Michelle
  4. Danielle
  5. Lenneth


  • Hello Julie! Great to see you here :)

  • Hi — I also came via Michelle and that meme. I love your blog and I look forward to exploring it some more. :)

  • On Tina’s, basically! I also had to pause a while to understand the instructions when I did mine XD

  • Aroo, I’m confused; so do I post this here, or on Tina’s blog? ?__?; I guess I can’t follow instructions. I’ll post on hers too, lol.

  • Hello there! :D Thanks for the compliments. Hee, it’s an interesting meme, a great way to meet new people. :)

  • Hello! I’m posting here as i did the page thingie meme when i was tagged by Michellie. I have to say, i quite adore this simple and clean layout. The little doodle aspects are prefect!
