Inconsolata, a monospace font

I came across an interesting monospace font, Inconsolata, when it was featured at Smashing Magazine (along with other interesting fonts). I’ve started using it — it speaks to both my geek programmer and aesthetic sensibilities.

Sample of Inconsolata font

I’ve noticed that straight quotes (single or double) lean slightly to the right, as if it doesn’t know if it’s a straight quote or a curly quote, exactly. This is “pretty”. Unfortunately, the backtick (`) leans the same way to the left, around the same angle. This can possibly be a problem (or maybe that’s too harsh: the word is annoyance) especially for types such as myself who habitually use backticks and straight quotes in the same line (see the SQL queries above).

The same goes for zero (0) and uppercase O — the former isn’t slashed, and the difference in width between the two is rather slight especially at small font sizes. I don’t want to need to use a bigger, less space-efficient font size just to use the font. The number one (1) and lowercase l seem different enough to me, so that’s good.

The font is pretty, but is pretty enough?

We’ll see. If I end up getting annoyed because I’d be hunting for code errors and can’t easily distinguish it (due to things looking somewhat the same… especially at 3AM in the morning and some 486732478623472 lines of code later), I suppose it will be time to look for another font.

For the moment — it’s shiny!


  • Hehe, nope, I use Aptana. :)

  • You’re using Notepad++ too, I presume? :D

  • Rebecca, I have to agree. I used to think Courier (New) was so pretty, but now I feel slightly silly for sticking with Courier when there are so many lovely monospace fonts out there. <3

  • That is a lovely font for writing code. Much better than some courier thing to stare at for hours.

  • You’re right, it does work. Thanks Angela!

  • @Jordan: I believe PCs can also use OpenType font files — I know that when I moved over my fonts from my PC to my Mac, I had a couple of OTFs around. Try adding the font using the Control Panel’s Fonts item. :)

    @Mosey: Good luck with your redesign! I also tried using it in the redesign I’m doing for IndiScripts, but it didn’t work with the layout, and it’s unlikely that I can use it on content text. Hope you have better output integrating it than I did! :)

  • Mosey said:

    I’ve been wondering what font to use for the redesign of my site… maybe this will be the one! :D Thank you! And I have to agree – Smashing Magazine rocks (especially their feature on the top 100 WordPress themes)

  • […] last night, armed with my nifty new font, I decided I’d get a move on with the next top-level version of Enthusiast. (Yes, I’ve […]

  • That is a neat font, too bad I’m on a PC!
