Web 2.0 Awareness

I found this link from AJ’s blog: How Web 2.0-aware are you? I got curious, skimmed the text, and hit “Go!”

You’ve visited 2 out of 42 listed sites.

I knew I’d probably get something low, as I’m not that much of a service-hopper, but seriously, that low? I clicked to see the list of websites, and the site told me I went to the following websites: Digg.com and Last.fm.

But it missed the following websites, which I had visited within the last month:

  1. del.icio.us
  2. readwriteweb.com
  3. technorati.com
  4. flickr.com
  5. youtube.com
  6. wikipedia.org
  7. developer.yahoo.net

I didn’t include others I had already visited but not in the near future, like all of the sites under “devel”, which are the different Web 2.0-related frameworks. It’s a really nifty test though, further refinement of the script plus addition of other Web 2.0-esque sites would be a great improvement.

How Web 2.0 aware are you?

Comments are closed. :( You can bother me at @angelamaria if you need to tell me something!
