Recap finale: my life in 2010

You know, at first, I was worrying about what I would have for the general life recap of 2010, if I would have anything left that’s actually worth writing about, after going through the different “categories” where my interest lies and doing a recap for those. I think that shows just how much I’ve taken to, and adopted as a “given”, the biggest change, the biggest Event, in 2010:

I moved to my own house.

Granted, it’s rented. It’s not the absolute perfect house; the heater is a bit cool for my tastes, and the house came with built-in ants, and I had a go at steam cleaning certain parts before I could bear to live in it. But it was perfect for me, at this stage in my life, so much that it feels like second nature. It feels like a given.

2010 started off rather poorly, to be honest. I was battling three different, very personal issues that made me very unhappy, each one of them. Each one of them, at any time, would have reduced me to tears; all of them all at the same damn time, well, it wasn’t great. I was depressed, I was hurting, and I was lonely with no one to talk to.

But life went on, as it does, and the unhappiness in the first half of the year was made up for the second half. The frenzy and bustle of a new home, the freedom and responsibilities of living “the adult life”: these filled the second half. I had friends and family over, I changed my own light bulbs, I decorated and filled my home with my things, I cooked everything from microwave dinners to roast chickens and ribs. I even weaseled in a quick last-minute baking project while back in the Philippines.

I think 2010 was a year where I was able to prove to myself that I can. I can do this. I can set my mind to almost anything, and I can follow through on it. That I do not need to be afraid or worried, although I will need to be prepared. That at the end of the day, the only one you can really rely on is yourself, to make you happy, to keep you contented: and then everything else will follow.

I can. And I will.

Tomorrow is the start of Resolution Week! One thing to aspire for each aspect of my life, each day. Stay tuned!