Suosday, Cambodia! A quick weekend in Siem Reap

For the past two months, I have been planning a short trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia with one of my oldest friends. Interestingly, this is my first trip to a Southeast Asian country for purely personal reasons. I haven’t traveled nearly enough to nearby countries (something I mean to change), and I am learning more and more about the world I live in and how truly small I am.

We went on this trip last weekend, enduring countless hours in airports and delays on our respective flights. We spent three and a half days in the company of the lovely Khmer people and awe-inspiring ruins. Dry season in Cambodia is not as picturesque, but we battled less crowds and had many coconut shakes.

I would love to go again sometime, during tourist season when the grass is green and the lake is full and when the temperature, according to the locals, is 16-20 degrees Celsius.

Our three-day itinerary

Day One

  • Beng Melea
  • Nearykhmer Restaurant for lunch
  • Tonle Sap Lake (floating village of Chong Kneas)
  • St John’s Church

Day Two

  • Sunrise in Angkor Wat
  • Banteay Srey
  • Preah Khan
  • Khmer Angkor Kitchen for lunch
  • Ta Prohm
  • Angkor Wat
  • Apsara dance show at Bayon Restaurant

Day Three

  • Old Market
  • Spa, rest and relaxation

We technically had an extra half day for our flight out, for last minute preparation and downtime.

I’ll write a little more about the lovely ruins next time!


  • […] is part of a series of entries on my short trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia. You can read about the itinerary, Beng Melea, and Chong […]

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